Congee with scrambled eggs.

Hot chocolate.

Halibut, yam cakes, kale.

Guacamole and corn tortillas.

Plain double cheeseburger, bun not eaten. Diet Coke.

Gluten-free pumpkin pancakes. Bacon. Asian pear. Green tea.

Eggplant stirfry with steamed rice and sriracha.

Baked chicken breast and sweet potato.

Andouille sausage and brown rice. Tangerine Emergen-C.

Sausage and scrambled eggs.

Blueberry pomegranate sorbet

Coconut curry soup with rice noodles.

Edamame puree with sweet potato crisps and cucmbers.

Sausage and scrambled eggs.

Beef strips.

Turnip kale soup with brown rice.

Cauliflower and ground beef.

Gluten-free spaghetti and clams. Zucchini and onions. Water.

Turnip kale soup with brown rice.

Chicken breast. Cheddar cheese.

Ground beef and shredded cauliflower.

Banana. Odwalla Superfood. Green tea.

Affirmative Action cod. Red quinoa. Green broccoli. Water.

Turnip kale soup with brown rice.

Beef strips.

Turnip and kale soup with brown rice.

Spaghetti squash with parsley pesto.

Hot wings. Clelery.. Blue cheese. Ginger ale.

Baked Lay's potato chips. Ginger ale.

Gluten-free pumpkin pancakes. Banana. Odwalla Superfood. Green tea.

Rice. Ginger ale.