This is where I keep track of the food I put into my face. The goal: Take a picture of my food and upload it. Every.Time.I.Eat.
Pork chops and roasted broccoli.
Cheeseburger, no bun. Salad.
Apple and Talking Rain sparkling water
Veggie and cheese egg scramble.
Chicken thighs and roasted broccoli.
Decaf breve latte.
Herb salad with baked salmon and balsamic vinaigrette.
Fage Total 2% plain yogurt with freeze-dried blueberries and walnuts.
Ground beef.
Salami and cheese.
Raw almonds
Sausage stew with quinoa.
Crustless mini-quiches and an herb salad with chevre and balsamic vinaigrette.
Hot link sausages with mustard.
Sausage, chard and mushroom stew with quinoa.
Grounds beef with shredded veggies.
Sausage, wild mushroom and chard stew with quinoa.
Dry salami and Babybel cheese.
Earl Grey ice cream (molly moon's)
Ground beef and shredded veggies.