This is where I keep track of the food I put into my face. The goal: Take a picture of my food and upload it. Every.Time.I.Eat.
Brisket from Seatown.
Decaf breve @ Caffe Vita
Crustless mushroom and caramelized onion quiche and an herb salad with balsamic vinaigrette.
Chicken and mushroom soup.
Babybel cheese and an apple.
Cashews and Babybel cheese.
Ground beef patties with sharp cheddar.
Salon patty lettuce wraps.
Ground beef patties with sharp cheddar and dijon mustard.
Fage Total 2% plain yogurt with crushed almonds and a chopped date.
Short ribs.
Ground beef patty with sharp cheddar.
Curry chicken, chickpea and kale stew.
Short ribs and roasted asparagus. Sparkling water.
Ground beef patty with sharp cheddar and dijon mustard. Tea.
Fage Total 2% yogurt with a chopped date.
Roasted chicken breast with asparagus and dijon pan sauce.
Raw almonds and Babybel cheese.
Crustless quiche and an herb salad with balsamic vinaigrette.
Ground beef patty with sharp cheddar and dijon mustard.
Curry chicken stew with chickpeas and kale.
Babybel cheese and raw almonds.
Crustless quiche and an herb salad with chevre and balsamic vinaigrette.