This is where I keep track of the food I put into my face. The goal: Take a picture of my food and upload it. Every.Time.I.Eat.
Ribeye. Green beans with garlic.
Gluten-free mac & cheese and tomato soup.
Ground beef with mushrooms and shredded cabbage.
Skippy Natural peanut butter.
Southwest veggie soup. Sparkling water.
Ribeye. (yes, I'm eating steak for breakfast...because I can)
Big salad with tuna, sunflower seeds and balsamic vinaigrette.
Fage Total 2% plain yogurt with blueberries and walnuts.
Ground beef with mushrooms and cabbage.
Big salad with chicken and balsamic vinaigrette.
Ribeye! Because I should get to have one thing I love on Valentine's Day.
Big salad with chicken and balsamic vinaigrette. Talking Rain sparkling water.
Cobb salad. Perrier.
Decaf latte at Bauhaus
Fage Total 2% plain yogurt with blueberries and walnuts. La Croix.